Three Simple Ways To Prepare For A Plumbing Emergency

Three Simple Ways To Prepare For A Plumbing Emergency

30 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Plumbing emergencies can be incredibly stressful and inconvenient, especially if they occur out of normal working hours. However, there are a few simple things that you can do to prepare for a plumbing emergency, from choosing a plumber in advance to making a plan of action.

Choose An Emergency Plumber In Advance

There's nothing worse than having a plumbing emergency occur, and then having to stand around Googling emergency plumbers, and being rushed into making a choice. Choosing an emergency plumber in advance is a great way to combat this, and really does save time during an emergency.

Search for plumbers in your area who deal with emergencies 24 hours a day, look at reviews of them from other people who have had emergencies, and look at their websites. When you've chosen a well-reviewed emergency plumber with reasonable prices, save their number in your phone. You might even want to choose a couple of emergency plumbers, in case your first choice is unavailable at the time of your emergency.

Keep Up Your Preventative Maintenance

By performing regular preventative maintenance on your drains, pipes and sinks, you can avoid some of the most common plumbing emergencies, such as burst pipes and clogged drains. Today explains regular maintenance that you can do on your sinks, such as pouring hot water down the drain once a week, as well as using hot water and vinegar to clean a slow-draining sink. You might also want to have a plumber professionally clean out your drains every couple of years, to prevent future clogging. 

Water UK also suggests some ways to avoid burst pipes, such as insulating your pipes, fixing dripping taps and turning off the water when you go on holiday. By taking the time to maintain your plumbing, you can make sure that emergencies are less likely to occur, as well as less catastrophic when they do.

Know What To Do When An Emergency Strikes

Knowing what you will do in the event of a plumbing emergency can make it much easier when it does happen, allowing you to instantly snap into action rather than panicking. The first thing you should do is switch off the water, so ensure that you know where your home's water tap is and that it is easily accessible. The Water Corporation explains you should turn your tap clockwise to switch it off, but you may need to turn it anticlockwise first to break the seal. You should then grab some towels to mop up any water (keep some old towels somewhere in your home), move any electronics or other items out of the way of water, and call your emergency plumber. By making this action plan in advance, you will have the problem sorted much quicker.

By making sure that you have a plumber's number in your phone, that you are maintaining your plumbing regularly to avoid huge emergencies, and that you know exactly what you will do in case of an emergency, you can be as prepared as possible, saving yourself time and stress.

For more information, reach out to a local emergency plumber.

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A Guide To Home Plumbing Maintenance

The plumbing of a home is one of those things which is taken for granted until it no longer operates the way it is supposed to. Overflowing toilets, leaking taps and rattling plumbing pipes are all signs your plumbing is not operating the way it should. One way to lessen the chances of needing to call in a plumber is to keep up-to-date with plumbing maintenance tasks around the home. Examples of these tasks include cleaning hair from shower drain traps and being mindful of foods put into the waste disposal. You can find all types of plumbing tips right here to help you maintain your home plumbing in running order. You will also find advice on when it is time to call on professional help to stop small plumbing issues from becoming big ones.
